About the Partnership
FORSHAW has partnered with Safe House Project, a national leader in the fight against Sex Trafficking in America to provide training to all Pest Management Professionals, on how to Spot, Report, and Prevent Trafficking.

“Every day, Pest Management Professionals service millions of homes and businesses. We are the eyes and ears of the community. FORSHAW immediately realized that we could do more than donate to the cause. We could be part of the solution by educating and empowering our partners to know the signs of trafficking and speak out. Saving just one girl or boy would be a victory,” said Tom Forshaw IV.

40 percent of child trafficking is done by a family member, but tragically, victim identification is only at 1%. Pest Management Professionals are the frontlines of public health serving 20-30% of households annually; therefore, they are in a unique position to spot indicators and report suspected child trafficking.

Your Role
Learn how you can Spot, Report, and Prevent Trafficking in the communities you serve by taking the 5 module training course, totaling 30-minutes hosted exclusively on FORSHAW University.
Register Here!